Thursday, March 13, 2008

Edison Chen Sex Scandal: Nude Photos With Gillian Chung Ends Career

It was the scandal that rocked Asia. Star actor Edison Chen now admits he snapped more that eight hundred raunchy snapshots with several different women including some with Gillian Chung. Mary Browning reported earlier that Gillian Chung's company, Emperor Entertainment Group, initially said the photographs of the normally squeaky-clean star were a digital fake.
Star Actor Edison Chen Takes a Time Out After Scandal (Image: Wenn)
Star Actor Edison Chen Takes a Time Out After Scandal (Image: Wenn)

Now it looks as if Chen has decided to end his career, at least for the time being. He has vowed to step aside and quit the Honk Kong entertainment business and allow this scandal to die down for a bit. It is likely a wise move.

Some of the photos were very hard photographs and certainly the shock by fans was warranted. Here in the United States, this would have likely boosted his career and boosted his name. After all, scandals similar to this one worked well for Paris Hilton, Pam Anderson and even Disney cutie Vanessa Hudgens. None of them lost their careers at all. In fact, after the initial shock, they received a career boost.

But that isn't the case in Asia for the star. He issued an apology today and says he will take a break. The photographs were discovered when he took his laptop in for repairs. A technician then spotted the racy photos and he would later show them to a group of friends. According to reports the friends would then talk him in to sharing them on the World Wide Web.

The floodgates are open and apparently there is even a DVD that has been produced showing the photos. They are all over the web, and Chen is trying to stop further distribution by claiming copyright infringement. That might be tough as many websites have several of the photos posted.

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